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Frequently Asked Septic Questions
General Questions
There are a lot of variables to how often you pump your septic system, such as the number of people in the home, the amount of water used, garbage disposal use, the size and age of the tank. The size of the septic tank should be determined by the number of bedrooms in the home. For an average home, the following is recommended for pumping your septic tank:
Household with 1 Person: Every 5 years
Household with 2 People: Every 4 years
Household with 3 People: Every 3 years
Household with 4 to 5 People: Every 2 years
Eliminate Grease Discharge
Use Only Biodegradable Products
Limit Use of Garbage Disposals (*see below)
Easy to follow Do’s and Don’t page
*Why not to use a garbage disposal with my septic tank?
Garbage disposals should not be used with a septic system, as they add large amounts of solids that bacteria are incapable of breaking down. The garbage disposal tends to grind the food particles small enough to pass through the septic tank into the leaching field, which can cause permanent damage. If you use your garbage disposal your septic tank should be cleaned annually.
- Food scraps
- Sanitary/personal hygiene items
- Coffee grounds
- Fats, grease, oils
- Hazardous chemicals: paint, varnish, thinners, pesticides, oils
- Plastic bags
- Disposal Diapers & Baby wipes
- Cat litter
- Q-tips
- Cigarette butts
- Condoms
- Paper towels
- Limit the use of Antibacterial Soaps
- Slow draining of your sinks, tubs, toilets, or washing machine
- Backup of toilets, sinks, drains or washing machine
- Sewage odors
- Gurgling sounds
- Wet or mushy ground at the tank or the drain field area
- Grass growing faster or greener in one particular area